
silent all these years

years goes by
will i still be waiting for somebody else to understand
years goes by
if i stripped of my beauty and the orange cloud raining in my head
years goes by
will i choke on my tears till finally there is nothing left
one more casualty you will know we were too easy

I'm bleeding
inside my heart
all because of you
finally there is nothing left
I'm all alone
just because of you


曾几何时,我迷上了折纸鹤。至此以后,在每一个未入眠的夜晚,都会折一只纸鹤,然后向那纸鹤许愿。听说亲手折了一千只纸鹤后, 许的愿望会实现。哈哈!这些无稽之谈我从不会去相信的。折纸鹤就折纸鹤嘛!为何还要那么多花样,无奈我就是相信了……

还没爱上你之前, 火灵儿对我说, 若我以后将那些纸鹤送给我心爱的人时, 记得对她说:“还没遇上你之前我就爱着你了, 一天一只的纸鹤, 代表着我每一天都爱着你”。火灵儿告诉我若我这样对心仪的女生说, 肯定会俘虏她的芳心的。 哈哈!当时还真的想依她的话去做, 可当我把千多只纸鹤送给你时, 这些话却没说出口。 因为我们彼此都知道我们是多么深爱着对方, 那一刻我明白了, 爱...无需太多的言语……
